About Us
Our Approach
Our Vision
To cultivate a society where all people can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential.
Our Mission
To inspire hope and empower people by creating opportunities for positive change.
Meet Our Team
Employment at Bella Ease
We are always looking for people with a heart to serve the community. If you would like to join our team, please check out the open positions on our Employment page, or send a copy of your resume to [email protected].
Our History
Bella Ease incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c)3 to administer the Teen Reach, Child & Adult Care Food Program, and College Bound programs.
Cornerstone Foundation for Families selects the Quincy Teen Reach program to receive the Humanitarian Award for 2016.
We became a Family Advocacy Center and start Family Focus to assist families in Adams County involved or at risk of being involved with DCFS.
The Work Focus program begins to connect those searching for work with stable job through local employers. Community Services becomes a focus with the addition of a program to highlight local youth services, and the need for a community center.
2 Buildings are purchased and renovated at 7th & Broadway. For the first time, all programs are housed at one locations. Programming increases to include CARES, Freedom School, JTED, ACE, Second Chance, and more.
Cheryl and Dennis Williams were awarded the Joe Bonansinga Community Service Award for leading by example through selfless service and dedication to better our community.
Our Partners
At Bella Ease, our goal is to create lasting change in the community, but we can’t do it alone. Many local organizations, churches and individuals help support us in our mission. If you would like to partner with us, please reach out or visit our donation page.
We are incredibly thankful for the generosity of the organizations listed below that have supported our programs through the years.